My sons tell me that every good story has a conflict and a resolution. Well this story is much the same but the conflict I can quickly tell you now, and it could be no more real than our current world situation. Consider waring countries, world poverty, species extinction rates, climate change and desertification, just a few issues we currently face. These represent a conflict, just as it is. My story goes on to describe a fictitious solution and historical events that avoided the aforesaid problems and how the world found harmony. I am avoiding politics and am concentrating on a utopian outcome. It is hoped that the reader may learn from the solutions provided and assist in repairing our past sins. I will talk less about the problems from here on, just that you need to remember this conflict, if I am to meet my sons requirement of a good story. By the way my avatar (Shabat Gula) an Afghani student will be writing the story from here on. She has a passion for learning and life and wants to involve you in it. Set mostly in Australia it involves a relationship between new settlers from England and Europe and the Aboriginal people that inhabited this land for 60,000 years prior.
It is my first attempt at writing such a story and I am open to suggestion. I will release the chapters over time at . Comments received or encouragement may alter future chapters.
Where I go in my mind when I write this story.