•Oscar Warmerdam CEO Sempergreen USA, Expert on Holistic Vegetative Green Roofs, ROI specialist on green infrastructure
•Jure Sumi Knauf Insulation, Worldwide Urban Green Infrastructure specialist
•Robert Griffith CEO Evolvement Pty Ltd, Green Infrastructure designer and installer Storm Water questions at a talk in Sydney on the 24/5/19.
• Mark Lieberman Director, Principal Engineer, Sustainability Workshop
Who should attend:
Stormwater Engineers, Government, Local Government, Landscape Architects, Architects, Builders, Landscape Contractors
A big sponge detention green roof in New York
If a green roof absorbs 50% of the annual rainfall in your city, why not the other 50%? If the civil engineer likes green roofs, why aren’t they using them as a PRIMARY stormwater management tool? Do you know the true difference between Detention and Retention, and why does this matter? What does a traditional green roof need in order to become a PRIMARY stormwater management tool? Can the green roof industry grow without Policy and Regulations? (the answer is yes)
Benefits of green roofs include reduced Heat Island effect, Biodiversity, Greening our cities.
Benefits of attending
•Learn how Europe and the USA are upgrading green roofs into PRIMARY storm water management tools with a real ROI.
•Fully understand ET (evapotranspiration) when designing YOUR next green roof. See and understand new green roof technology and modelling software as used to calculate green roof design.
•Energy consumption savings can offer many LEED/GREEN STAR opportunities.
•Monitoring how your buildings effect heat island effect and how a green building will reduce outcomes.
•Discover the value of the Knauf Urbanscape / Purple-Roof system and solutions
•Explore new Trends, known Policy shortcomings, new maintenance requirements and other worthwhile topics that are new to Australia.
•Meet experienced practitioners and installers.
•Performance testing, monitoring green roof effectiveness
•Performance Evaluation software Tool
•Stormwater modelling with growing media, mineral wools and detention layer
•Energy and water conservation and heat island effect
•Available resources; Reports, Cadd, Urbanscape, Purple-Roof, Designers, Installers
•Green roof design, weights, waterproofing, costs, plants, soils, irrigation, leak detection
•Green roof installation and maintenanceExample projects
Discussion on ROI, Govt’t approval processes, MUSIC software
Robert Griffith BEnvSc 0468787071