What’s in a graph? This graph probably has far to much information, but there is a lot to know about how green roofs can help our environmental concerns. One of Evolvement’s latest projects was to install a state of art Green roof monitoring system at Western Sydney University. The design and support was provided by GreenRoof Diagnostics . https://www.greenroofdiagnostics.com/
A complex range of sensors provide data for monitoring the system. Data is updated online every 15 seconds, 24/7. There are 9 heat sensors to check temperatures at the base, midway and at the top of the soil columns. Tipping buckets monitor every time 75mL and 1L of water drain from each roof. A full weather station monitors humidity, temperature, solar radiance and rainfall. Each green roof is mounted on a 3 tonne weighing scale which measure each 200g change in weight during environmental conditions. The sensors are linked online so researchers can report on performance.
The greenroofs themselves are of a light weight and cost effective design. Growing media is using the state of the art Urbanscape system by Knauf Insulation. https://www.urbanscape-architecture.com/ . Evolvement have taken it one step further and installed the Purple roof concept developed by GreenRoof diagnostics. They will be monitoring our system from their office in the USA.
Western Sydney University reseachers include Alim Abdul Md, under Professor Rahman. They will be analysing and reporting on how green roofs can manage our stormwater and temperatures. In fact WSU has developed a whole range of environmental projects, along with ours, at their engineering campus at Kingswood NSW.
These green roofs can be highly aesthetic whilst providing critical ecosystem services for our air, carbon water and biodiversity.
All up it was a most interesting project for Evolvement and really tested our landscaping ability to a new level. I always remember when my uncle said to me as a budding horticultural apprentice. “Specialise in something Robert and you will learn everything” I sure didn’t know I would be making complex graphs from a huge dataset from environmental sensors!.
Robert Griffith CEO
Evolvement Pty Ltd
84E Berowra Waters Rd Berowra
+61 2 468 787 071