Conservation project aim to protect biodiversity. Sustainable design can enhance appreciation of biodiversity by providing education and access to unique sites. Call Robert Griffith on 0468 787 071 for further advice.
Interpretive signs provide the public with an understanding of complex ecosystems. In this case fauna species are identified at Glenmore Park NSW.
Green & Golden Bell Frog habitat constructed on a development site for Australand at Cronulla. This species is endangered.
Unique frog proof fence designed during our work at the Sydney Olympics, here is stops the frog entering the development site at Cronulla
Green & Golden Bell Frog enjoying the Sydney Olympic habitat restoration
A fish ramp created at Bicentennial Park Homebush for fish to swim to upper lakes and under a new road. Fish are able to source the new food source that is now available.
Port Botany Penrhyn Estuary rehabilitation. The endangered Saltmarsh community (EEC) was rehabilitated and acts as migratory bird habitat.
The new migratory bird habitat created at Port Botany. Migratory birds travel long distances around the world and require coastal feeding habitats to survive which are being degraded by development world wide.
The bar-tailed godwit a migratory bird
The reappearance of polycheate worms at Port Botany is a good sign for the reappearance of migratory birds.
A burnoff of grassland is an effective tool in managing pasture weeds in a grassland. Subsequent use of selective herbicides will allow the regeneration of native spoecies
Use of fire in conservation
Regeneration after fire of native grasses and the ground cover Glycine clandistinum
Soil translocation can successfully reestablish species of vegetation and soil organisms that can not be restored through planting alone.
Robert Griffith undertakes vegetation monitoring in grassy open woodland on the Cumberland Plain.
Pre-clearance work identifies the endangered Cumberland Plain Land Snail
The removal of large woody weeds is specialist work.
Large areas of African Olive being removed by the tritter method
The introduction of wood to rivers and streams allows important ecological function. Habitat is created for fish and macroinvertebrates (a rich source of food for fish). Biofilms grow on logs that are essential food for macroinvertebrates. The logs also reduce erosion, not these logs are anchored thus do not float away.