Green infrastructure plants. Evolvement has a long history of propagating and growing specialty plants. We now know perfect plant mixes for most locations, especially on roofs where exposure and soil depths provide a unique environment.
We have designed special mixes of plants to promote green roof success. They simplify specification and installation and are available for specific regions or functions. They cost less too! See below at our Standard Green Roof Plant mixes.
EVOLVEMENT Green Look plant mixes
Evolvement Green Roof Plant Mixes Call 0468 787 071
See below New Plant Mats, that enable you to get a full cover of planting on your greenroof.
New Evolvement plant Tray/Mats allow you to get full Greenroof coverage fromn day 1
Potted mixes are specifically chosen for their reliability to grow in shallow soils and survive for many years. Green Look Plant Mixes vary in form, texture and colour. Our plants are grown in small pots so high densities of plant material can be planted at minimal cost. Trays of 40 mixed available. Some species require larger pots, however all can be planted in shallow soils.
A Coastal mix
This mix enjoys mild conditions or sea breezes, provides hardy succulents, natives and splashes of colour.
B Western mix
Western mix can take the heat of Australia’s inland and hot suburbs whilst combating heat island effect. Hardy succulents, natives and interesting foilage, with the odd surprise colour.
C Tropical mix
Similar to the coastal mix, however more colourful and lush displays are added.
D Semi shade mix
Extensive green roof plant mix designed specifically for roofs that only get either morning or afternoon sun.
E Biodiversity mix
Pollinator-friendly mix create an urban oasis for pollen, nectar, and larval sources on green roofs. Can be made region specific. The perfect supplement to our extensive mix selections.
When specifying or ordering, Ask for Green Look plant mix A, B, C, D or E or a combination. Early specifying will see plants ready for your project.
CONTACT ROBERT on 0468 787 071 or for pricing.