Green roofs in our dense urban environments provide benefits for stormwater and air quality, food production, biodiversity and aesthetics. A cooler environment with less toxins allows health benefits for humans and nature alike. Evolvement provides a range of services and technologies the help you build state of the art green infrastructure. Our experience with waterproofing, leak detection, insulation, soils irrigation and horticulture mean we provide a one stop shop. We provide technical assistance to landscape architects in specification and landscapers with unique products and installation advise.
Sydney Environmental Soil Laboratory (SESL’s) conclusion after a 12 month trial is: “The Flocks product provides soil structure with significant reduced slumping over time in comparison to the lightweight media without Flocks (the Control). The Flocks also allows maintained air-filled porosity without significant reduction in oxygen levels. The addition of Flocks at a rate of 20- 30% to the lightweight media blend initially improves the water holding properties of the mineral based blend by around 9%. The water-holding capacity improves with time (5% improvement) as the media settles however not at the expense of the air-filled porosity. The Control showed higher WHC but this was at the expense of the AFP. The toxicity bioassay shows germination to be at an acceptable rate with the 30% contribution of Flocks however the growth rate isn’t as rapid as the 100% lightweight media. SESL recommends a full growth trial is undertaken to measure the effects of drought on non-irrigated blends.”
Evolvement offer comprehensive reporting on water use, stormwater runoff, heat island effect and energy saving for your projects comparing green roof outcomes with no green roof. Please contact us for typical green roof details and CAD drawings to help you get the job done.
Below are the items available from Evolvement Pty Ltd call 0468 787 071 or :
Green roof system design for Stormwater management, heat island effect, biodiversity and aesthetics
Urbanscape Green Roll
Urbanscape Flocks
Urbanscape Cubes
The above graphs are prepared with our Performance Evaluation Tool (PET) tool to assist you achieve the benefits an Urbanscape green roofs. They are tailored to your particular project, worldwide.
URBANSCAPE DETENTION GREEN ROOFS. Below testing is by laboratory, in the field and on roofs. You can be sure to be providing the environmental outcomes with the Urbanscape systems.
Storm water
Storm water with current hardscape and roof development causes the Urban Stream Island effect, flooding, erosion and changing the chemical composition of our creeks and rivers. Local flora and fauna are all adversely affected. Green roofs have always been known to provide stormwater retention. Retention deals with volume and the green roof provides a big sponge to soak up rainfall. The problem is that after a good soaking the green roof is full, subsequent rainfall then just bypasses the roof and is not retained. Urbanscape have solved this problem.
Contact Evolvement Pty Ltd for green roofs that provide storm water detention. Our Purple roof + systems and our software modelling tools and proven technology will delay stormwater to remain within DA requirements. This will save you detention tanks costs and give you more development space plus all the other benefits that green roofs provide.
Heat Island effect
Above 5 separate international bodies predict climate temperature change. Its a sobering graph with temperatures in Sydney looking to rise by up to 4.5 degrees! Correctly designed green roofs reduce building energy use with insulation and reduce outside temperatures from radiant heat, reducing the heat island effect.
We have developed a model to observe how meteorological parameters are affecting green roof‘s performances.
We looked at following meteorological parameters: Incoming solar radiation, Ambient temperature and relative humidity, Wind speed, Rainfall. Tests and scientific papers have been written to guide the green roofs we design for our clients.